Properties of Structural Timber in MyanmarPosted by Win Aung Cho on 27-Sept-2009 ContentsMyanmay Hard WoodTeakwood (Kyune)Tectona grandis
Lasts indefinately under water, Resistance to acid, Impervious to insects and white ants but not immune to marine borers. Pyinkado (Ironwood)Xylia dolabriformis
Resistant to termite attack and marien borers. PadaukPterocarpus macrocarpus
Resistant to termites, Heaviest, Hardest and Strongest timber in South-East Asia ThityaShorea oblongifolia
Special Properties: White ant proof and no fungus attack, Untreated sleepers last for 15 years. IngyinPentacme siamensis
Treatment is very difficult as the timber is hard and heavy, Resistant to white ant. Unit Conversion1 N/mm2 = 145.038 psi1 KN/m3 = 6.366 lb/ft3 |