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Properties of Structural Timber in Myanmar

Posted by Win Aung Cho on 27-Sept-2009


Myanmay Hard Wood

Teakwood (Kyune)

Tectona grandis
Moisture Content Bending Strength Mod. of Elasticity Compression
parallel to grains
% N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 KN/m3
14.1 100 12627 57.6 6.28-8.64
Special Properties:

Lasts indefinately under water, Resistance to acid, Impervious to insects and white ants but not immune to marine borers.

Pyinkado (Ironwood)

Xylia dolabriformis
Moisture Content Bending Strength Mod. of Elasticity Compression
parallel to grains
% N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 KN/m3
10.3 142 17457 79.6 9.739
Special Properties:

Resistant to termite attack and marien borers.


Pterocarpus macrocarpus
Moisture Content Bending Strength Mod. of Elasticity Compression
parallel to grains
% N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
12.5 142 14330 75.5
Special Properties:

Resistant to termites, Heaviest, Hardest and Strongest timber in South-East Asia


Shorea oblongifolia
Moisture Content Bending Strength Mod. of Elasticity Compression
parallel to grains
% N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
10.6 158 19430 76.0

Special Properties:

White ant proof and no fungus attack, Untreated sleepers last for 15 years.


Pentacme siamensis
Moisture Content Bending Strength Mod. of Elasticity Compression
parallel to grains
% N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
13.4 111 15718 54.3
Special Properties:

Treatment is very difficult as the timber is hard and heavy, Resistant to white ant.

Unit Conversion

1 N/mm2 = 145.038 psi
1 KN/m3 = 6.366 lb/ft3